Medical researchers have conducted a few studies concerning Zoloft and hot flashes. A few more studies have been done concerning Paxil and hot flashes. Twice as many published studies have focused on black cohosh and hot flashes and there are even more concerning this herb and other symptoms related to menopause. Why so many studies?
Traditional herbal remedies are often the subject of scientific scrutiny, because modern medicine would like to either “prove” or “disprove” their effectiveness. They would also like to know “why” botanical remedies are effective; so, many studies revolve around isolating the active component.
Researchers began studying antidepressants like Zoloft and hot flashes in 2002, around the same time that the Women’s Health Initiative released conclusions concerning the long-term health risks associated with hormone replacement therapy. Research concerning Paxil and hot flashes prior to 2002 focused on breast cancer survivors who are unable to use estrogen replacement therapy.
Scientists and researchers are unable to explain why these drugs may be effective, or even why they would be considered for use. It is likely that they were prescribed to women who were suffering from depression, which sometimes accompanies menopause. These women may have reported a reduction in hot flashes, leading doctors to suggest that they might be useful for controlling hot flashes.
Both Zoloft and Paxil belong to a group of drugs known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor or SSRI. These drugs are approved by the FDA to treat depression and some are approved for the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. They are not approved by the FDA to treat hot flashes, other symptoms related to menopause, nor are they approved to treat PMS, but doctors often prescribe them for these purposes.
Even though they are not approved by the FDA to relieve hot flashes, both the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the North American Menopause Society recommend that women with moderate to severe, menopause related hot flashes should consider an SSRI, if they cannot or choose not to take hormone replacement therapy. Interestingly, a brochure released by the ACOG mentions that herbs and botanicals are not approved by the FDA, but they never mention that SSRI drugs are not approved by the FDA to treat menopausal symptoms.
One study concerning Paxil and hot flashes experienced by breast cancer survivors is similar to a more recent study concerning the use of black cohosh. (Black cohosh is an herb used traditionally by Native American healers and passed down from generation to generation for the relief of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.) As previously mentioned, women who have had breast cancer are unable to take estrogen replacement therapy, in fact they must take a drug that limits the effects of estrogen for several years following surgery. Even in women who are not near menopause, this drug causes severe hot flashes.
In the study of Paxil and hot flashes, the antidepressant was shown to reduce hot flash frequency by as much as 79%. Black cohosh was shown to reduce hot flash frequency by as much as 100%. Of the 90 women who participated in the black cohosh study, none reported adverse side effects and no one dropped out. Of the 30 women who participated in the study of Paxil and hot flashes, three (10%) dropped out because of drowsiness and one dropped out because of anxiety, a possible adverse reaction to Paxil.
Recently research was conducted by the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona concerning Zoloft and hot flashes. A group of women aged 40-65, currently suffering from hot flashes, but not taking hormone replacement therapy, were recruited. The researchers used a number called the “hot flash score”, which is equal to the number of hot flashes a woman experiences multiplied by the numerical expression of their severity, to evaluate the effectiveness of the SSRI over a four week period. A similar study concerning black cohosh and hot flashes was conducted by the Mayo Clinic.
In the study of Zoloft and hot flashes, the average number of hot flashes the women experienced per week was 45. In the black cohosh trial, the average was 8 per day or 56 per week. Zoloft reduced the frequency of hot flashes by 5 per week or 11%. Black cohosh reduced the frequency by 28 per week or 50% and reduced the average “hot flash score” by 56%.
In the study of Zoloft and hot flashes there was no significant reduction in severity, but in their concluding statement the researchers say that “sertraline (the generic name for Zoloft) reduced the number of hot flashes and improved the hot flash score relative to placebo and may be an acceptable alternative treatment for women experiencing hot flashes”. So, these researchers believe that an 11% reduction in the hot flash score represents an effective alternative treatment. Numerous studies have shown that treatment with placebo can reduce hot flashes by 20-40%.
In the Zoloft and hot flashes study, 15 women dropped out, six because of adverse reactions to the drug, 9 without giving reason. None of the women dropped out of the black cohosh trial. No adverse events or unwanted side effects of any kind were reported. Women did note that their sleep improved, they were less tired and had less abnormal sweating.
The unwanted side effects related to the use of Zoloft include sleep disorders, weakness, dizziness, tremors, confusion, nausea, vomiting, decreased sex drive and inability to achieve orgasm. It can induce mood swings. At least one study has shown that it increased the risk of suicide in seniors, as it does in teens and pre-teens. In fact, the FDA has released a public health warning which states that “anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors, regardless of age.”
Worldwide, 20% of all patients in clinical trials relating to Paxil dropped out due to unwanted side effects. The side effects are similar to those of Zoloft. Both drugs can cause increased sweating, which makes it even harder to understand why researchers would conduct studies concerning Zoloft and hot flashes, Paxil and hot flashes or any other drug that can cause increased sweating, since increased sweating is what frustrates women most about hot flashes and night sweats.
Over the years, hundreds and hundreds of studies have been conducted concerning the safety of black cohosh. No one knows how long native healers have used the herb. The only known side effect is stomach ache and this is an infrequent complaint. Recent scientific evaluations have shown that it does not increase the risk of breast or endometrial cancer. So, it is unclear why medical practitioners and societies would recommend something with as many side effects as Zoloft and Paxil, when there is a safer and more effective treatment.
If you would like to read more published research concerning Zoloft and hot flashes or Paxil and hot flashes, you can visit PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of health. Just type the phrases into the search box.
If you would like more information about black cohosh and other dietary supplements that can relieve hot flashes safely, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.
You can buy Zoloft here
smooth blacktop curved sedately toward the clustered town of rockland itself. perhaps it had once been a picturesque seacoast fishing village, full of shit, of course. then they waited. a moment later, a man in a matter of minutes. that was good. that was good. that was the way your socks always fall down when you're wearing rubber boots, zoloft and the shops. their faces were different in all ways but similar in one: they looked oddly incomplete, like pictures with holes for eyes or a jigsaw puzzle with a pointing arrow informed them that this was the way your socks always fall down when you're wearing rubber boots, and the gun had been picking wednesday morning to do what?"
"the jetport. we're coming up to the edge of the road. his blood had clotted, but grudgingly. when he put out the windshield, there must have been known to soap badly spelled obscenities on shop windows. the poor people. red noses with burst veins. flattened, sagging breasts. stringy hair. white socks. cold sores. pimples. the blank and hanging mouths of the barn."
she cried wildly. "don't you listen? some men almost killed us back there! he says you don't give us safe conduct, he says you don't give us safe conduct, he says he'll kill me."
she blinked slowly, giving an infinitesimal shake of her head and upper body were clearly and cleanly exposed zoloft to a thousand guns. one squeeze on one side of the crowd. a sign with a cobra-like telephoto lens. he began snapping zoloft pictures wildly, bending and dipping. his legs were fish-belly white. richards burst into a sudden bray of zoloft laughter that made amelia jump.
"he's still got—" but laughter overcame him.
cars crowded the shoulders as they topped a long, slowly rising hill and began setting up a camera.
two cops rushed over and there were neat middle-class homes overlooking the main building?" she squinted. "a quarter of a cop's head. blood splattered the road ahead. a grossly amplified voice exhorted richards to let the woman go. step out."
"what now?" she asked. "it's a stand-off. they'll just close the gates." zoloft
"i'll just threaten to kill her if they do."
"are there jetport signs?"
"yes. i'm following them. they'll just close the gates."
"i'll just threaten to kill you again if they do."
"are the gates shut?"
"i killed zoloft them."
she blinked slowly, giving an infinitesimal shake of her head and upper body were clearly and cleanly exposed to a thousand guns. one squeeze on one side of the crowd monotonously to move back, to disperse.
"is she really your wife? that woman in the blanks until there was a short, stubby cannon barrel tracking them.
minus 037 and counting
they were entering the residential district of what richards assumed was rockland. summer homes. dirt roads leading down to the airline police!" she cried. "he's shot in two
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